
Welcome to Adult Child of Dysfunction: Thriving After Chaos

Welcome to the Adult Child of Dysfunction podcast, where we dive deep into the world of growing up in dysfunction and finding healing. I'm your host, Tammy Vincent, a certified life coach, speaker, and bestselling author. In this trailer episode, I share my personal story of growing up with two alcoholic parents and the long journey it took to overcome that dysfunction. Join me as I take you on a 30-year healing journey and explore the tools and resilience that helped me find my authentic self. We'll hear from experts and courageous individuals who have triumphed over various forms of dysfunction. If you've experienced a less-than-perfect childhood and are searching for answers, this podcast is for you. Hit that subscribe button and embark on a journey of resilience, hope, and strength. I'm thrilled to start this transformative journey with you.

New Episodes coming September 26, 2023. Subscribe now so you don't miss them!!

Tammy Vincent:

Hello, my special friends and welcome to the Adult Child of Dysfunction podcast where I am your host, Tammy Vincent. So first of all, I'm super excited to be here, I can't believe this is getting started. And I'm so happy that you're here. And today, we're just going to talk about why we're here, why you're here on a podcast called the adult child of dysfunction, and why I'm here making one. So as I mentioned, my name is Tammy Vinson, I'm a certified life coach, a speaker, as well as the best selling author of the book surviving alcoholic parents. But that's not what brought me here. What brought me here is the fact that I have two alcoholic parents or had to alcoholic parents, they're both gone now. And I grew up in dysfunction that was off the chart. And what I realized through all of that was that I was not alone. There are millions and millions and millions of people out there that grew up with the same kind of dysfunction I did. And what I also realized was that it took me on a 30 year healing journey to get over growing up in that dysfunctional household. And I want to go on that journey with other people. I want other people that used to feel that they were alone, no longer feel alone. So that's basically what I did. I've got a master's degree in special education, and I've got a teaching certificate and a degree in psychology and my NLP practitioner license, I've got all that. But what I've got is also 30 years of experience of healing 30 years of getting to the other side of that dysfunction.

Tammy Vincent:

Oh my gosh, for years when I was 26 years old, I was a hot freaking mess. Not even gonna lie, hot mess. And I started on this healing journey to see what was on the other side. Kind of to see if I could get to that authentic me the the me that was confident and secure in my own being and in my own skin. The me that wasn't a people pleaser that me that didn't let people walk all over me. Those were the things I needed to work on. And it's taken me a while it's I've literally been on a 30 year journey. But I feel like now it's time to share the message. Because now I've I've found what works for me and what doesn't work for me. I've found, you know, different things that we can use, I have a conglomerate of tools in my toolbox I can fill out and help people at any given moment for whatever they're facing. So that's what this podcast is all about.

Tammy Vincent:

So if you grew up with a not so perfect childhood, which I know many of us did, and you feel that you grew up in a lifetime of dysfunction, and despair, and you're just not quite sure where to go. Or you know, things are not quite right, but you can't quite put your finger on him. That's what this is all about. So we're going to have experts come in. And we're also going to just hear people's stories, people's stories about their courageous journey from massive dysfunction. And that could go anywhere from being bullies as child which is horrendous to losing a spouse losing a parent. I know people who have had multiple step parents abusive at that and just all kinds of crazy stories. But so many people get out and get to the other side by using resilience and hope and strength and all of those tools that we have in our toolbox. So, again, if that is you and you feel that you resonate with any of this, please hit the subscribe button, check back and join us on a journey of a lifetime. Thank you very much. And again, my name is Tammy Vincent, and I am your host super excited to start on this journey.